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ICC Bangladesh is deeply shocked and grieved at the sad demise of Mr. Waliur Rahman Bhuiyan OBE at 8.00 am on Friday, 19 June 2020. Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un. We remember with gratitude his association, involvement and active participation since ICC Bangladesh started its journey in the 90s. ICC Bangladesh was fortunate to [...]

ICC launches COVID-19 web portal

ICC has launched a COVID-19 web portal, providing trusted and up-to-date information for businesses, policymakers and chambers of commerce worldwide. The new site has been developed in line with ICC commitments to the World Health Organization (WHO) to facilitate information flows by disseminating the latest and most reliable information on the COVID-19 outbreak to businesses. [...]

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) ...

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), The world business organization has taken several initiatives to lead and engage the business response to COVID-19 pandemic. In this regard, ICC has also issued letter to G20, G8, open letter to Finance Ministers and Central bank Governors. ICC mobilizing all the knowledge and expertise across the organisation and network [...]

ICC Global Survey of Business for WHO in...

We are pleased to  inform you that the first global survey of business is being conducted by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) HQ Paris, in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) ‒  a major step in the private sector’s global response to COVID-19. This unprecedented survey will help ICC and WHO to (i) gather real-time information in the fight [...]

ADB to fund private sector infrastructur...

The Asian Development Bank (ADB), one of the major development partners of Bangladesh, will provide direct loans to the country’s private sector businessmen for implementing projects in mainly infrastructure and financial sectors. In infrastructure sector funding ADB attaches priority to energy (power and hydrocarbons), water supply, waste management and treatment, telecommunication, roads, ports, airports, and light rail system. They will also provide assistance for up-gradation and expansion of the existing infrastructure projects to enhance their operating efficiencies. In the financial sector ADB will provide loan to private financial intermediaries such as banks and non-banking financial institutions so that these institutions can, in turn, finance small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and micro enterprises.