ICC launches COVID-19 web portal
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) ...
ICC Global Survey of Business for WHO in...
ADB to fund private sector infrastructur...
The Asian Development Bank (ADB), one of the major development partners of Bangladesh, will provide direct loans to the country’s private sector businessmen for implementing projects in mainly infrastructure and financial sectors. In infrastructure sector funding ADB attaches priority to energy (power and hydrocarbons), water supply, waste management and treatment, telecommunication, roads, ports, airports, and light rail system. They will also provide assistance for up-gradation and expansion of the existing infrastructure projects to enhance their operating efficiencies. In the financial sector ADB will provide loan to private financial intermediaries such as banks and non-banking financial institutions so that these institutions can, in turn, finance small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and micro enterprises.
December 7
Workshop on Impact of Y2K (Millennium Bug) on International Business
November 4
ICC Business Dialogue on Imperatives Privatisation in the Context of Economic Globalisation
September 14
Workshop on Euro and Its Impact on the Global Trading System
August 17
ICC Business Dialogue on Reforms in Public Administration in the Context of Economic Globalisation
April 30
Workshop on ICC Tools for International Business, Incoterms, Documentary Credits & Arbitration
November 3
ICC-UNCTAD-BOI First Workshop on Investment Guide and Capacity-Building for Bangladesh
November 2
ICC-UNCTAD-BOI First Workshop on Investment Guide and Capacity-Building for Bangladesh
September 21
Workshop on Letters of Credit in Practice with Associated Products
September 20
Workshop on Letters of Credit in Practice with Associated Products
June 8
ICC Business Dialogue on Sub-Regional Trade Cooperation : Opportunities and Concerns
May 6
Workshop on International Standby Practices (ISP) for Documentary Credits and Arbitration in Dhaka a
May 4
Workshop on International Standby Practices (ISP) for Documentary Credits and Arbitration in Dhaka a
May 3
Workshop on International Standby Practices (ISP) for Documentary Credits and Arbitration in Dhaka a
March 13
ICC Business Dialogue on Sub-Regional Economic Cooperation : Problems and Prospects
April 17-18
ICC-UNCTAD-BOI Second Workshop on Investment Guide and Capacity-Building for Bangladesh