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ICC Workshop on Changing Faces of Intern...

ICC Workshop on Changing Faces of International Trade Fraud: Current Risks, Prevention & Responses at  in Dhaka and Chittagong on 10-11 July 2018 Deadline for submission of nominations: Thursday, 5 July 2018 We have the pleasure to announce that International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)- Bangladesh, The world business organization, will hold a day-long Workshop on Changing [...]

ICC Workshop on Letters of Credit in Law...

ICC Workshop on Letters of Credit in Law and Practice (Day-1) & ICC Advanced Workshop on Documentary Credits and Guarantees for Specialists (Day-2) Saturday-Sunday, 10-11 February 2018 Deadline for Nominations: Monday, 05 February, 2018   We have the pleasure to inform you that ICC Bangladesh will organize Workshop on Letters of Credit in Law and Practice and Documentary Credits [...]

ICC Global Conference on Letters of Cred...

We have the pleasure to announce that International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) - Bangladesh, The world business organization, will organize jointly with ICC Austria a three-day ICC Global Conference on Letters of Credit & Bank Guarantees on  17-19 May 2017 in Vienna, Austria. EU is Bangladesh's main trading partner, accounting for around 24% of Bangladesh's total trade [...]

ICC Workshop on Uniform Rules for Demand...

Venue: Hotel Ruposhi Bangla,Dhaka Date: 2016-09-25 Registration Deadline: 2014-08-07 Registration Fee :For ICCB Member Tk. 11,000.00 (Taka eleven thousand) only For non-member Tk. 12,000.00 (Taka twelve thousand) only Method of Payment :Payment to be made on or before Monday, 26 May, 2014 by account payee cheque/Pay Order /Bank Draft in favour of Internatioal Chember of Commerce-Bangladesh Cancellation [...]

ICC International Conference on Global E...

International Conference on Global Economic Recovery : Asian Perspective The world economy, five years after the global financial crisis, is showing signs of bouncing back this year pulled along by a recovery in high-income economies, says the World Bank’s latest Global Economic Prospects report. Growth prospects for 2014 are, however, sensitive to the tapering of [...]

Workshop on International Factoring for ...

We have the pleasure to inform you that ICC Bangladesh is going to organize a day-long Workshop on International Factoring for Foreign Trade in Dhaka on Monday, 13 April 2015. The Workshop will be organized by jointly ICC Bangladesh, Factors Chain International (FCI), The Netherlands; the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Manila and Bangladesh Institute of [...]

ICC Seminar on Bangladesh – China Trade

We have the pleasure to announce that International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)- Bangladesh, The world business organization jointly with ICC China will organize ICC Seminar on “Bangladesh- China Trade Finance: Role of Banks” in Kunming, China on 21-22 August, 2015. China is the largest trading partner of Bangladesh, with total bilateral trade volume coming to $8.287 billion [...]

ICC Seminar on Bangladesh – China Trade

We have the pleasure to announce that International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)- Bangladesh, The world business organization jointly with ICC China will organize ICC Seminar on “Bangladesh- China Trade Finance: Role of Banks” in Kunming, China on 21-22 August, 2015. China is the largest trading partner of Bangladesh, with total bilateral trade volume coming to $8.287 billion [...]